I speak English, Català, Castellano and am a native New Yorker! So feel free to explain your mac repair issues. Language will never be the problem with figuring out what you need with your computer repair.
You can check out other Apple related up-to-date posts on my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/geoMacBCN
Catalunya is a bilingual autonomous region with its own national identity. Everybody in Catalunya does speak Spanish (or Castellano as we prefer to call it here), but in fact NOT everybody can speak Catalan (about 60% in Barcelona, less in some industrial cities, and more inland Catalunya and smaller towns).
Correction: not 100% of people in Catalunya speak Spanish. I would better say 98%. There may be a percentage very older people in rural areas who never needed/wanted to learn it. And there may be a 1% who know Spanish but refuse to speak it (for political reasons usually when addressing to Spaniards, but they usually don’t mind to using their multilingual abilities with foreigners). You can find quite a few people who may speak to you in Catalan, but they would switch to Spanish immediately as soon they notice your accent. Please note that many of us here are using BOTH languages all the time, and sometimes we even do not realize we have switched Except of course you bump into anyone belonging to the second 1% named above.